Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem - Tájépítészeti Kar - Okleveles Tájépítészmérnöki szak - BCE-TÁJK 2008.
hétfő, október 26, 2009
Fábos Conference
Dear 4th and 5th year landscape architect students! I invite you to the Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning July 2010. The event is organized jointly by the Department of Landscape Planning and Regional Development in Corvinus University of Budapest and the University of Massachusetts Amherst (USA). It will take part in Budapest on the 8-9th of July 2010. Please find attached the Call for papers! Your participation is recommended on the conference in the poster session which requires abstract submission till 15th of November 2009. You can create your abstracts according to any of the topic areas (greenway planning, landscape planning, landscape design) More detailed information is available on the following web-page: If you have any question, you can contact the conference organizer at the following e-mail: With kind regards, Sándor Jombach BCE - Tájtervezési és Területfejlesztési Tanszék
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